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 TCP/UDP tools and library
About TCP/UDP tools
Find port number
Find port number by word
Check all open ports
IP range port scanner
 Ranges of ports in library
TCP ports list range 0-1024
TCP ports list range 1024-7000
TCP ports list range 7000-20000
TCP ports list range 20000-49151
UDP ports list range 0-1024
UDP ports list range 1024-7000
UDP ports list range 7000-20000
UDP ports list range 20000-49151

ports range 1124-1224,ports list, biggest ports tcp/udp library database

On this page you can find tools for search TCP Port Numbers and UDP Port Numbers.
Current service contain the biggest tcp udp port list. Port search going through 4 library (database),
total number of records are about 22000 (in 3 times more that in other service).
  • IANA port numbers assignments library (database) - The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.
  • WIKI port numbers assignments library (database) - Good known wikipedia ports library
  • Gasmy library, Beta Library - good known manualy created port databases.
In computer networking, the protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, most notably the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP),
use a numerical identifier for the data structures of the endpoints for host-to-host communications.
Such an endpoint is known as a port and the identifier is the port number.
The Registered Ports are listed by the IANA and on most systems can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary users. Thats why most part of new programs that useing "sockets" bind to ports in this range. Ports are used in the TCP [RFC793] to name the ends of logical connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is defined.
The IANA registers uses of these ports as a convenience to the community. About half part of numbers from range are free at this moment. To the extent possible, these same situation with for UDP ports [RFC768]. The Registered Ports are in the range 1024-49151.
It's very easy to search, just input tcp ports range or udp ports range - example2 (or in list format - example1),and 'Go'.

no data
- no data available about port in current library
 library name
 port number
 application name
 port description
Example of search port info [list]example of group ports scan
Example of search port info [range]example of group ports scan
port WIKI IANA Linux
port 1124 no data
hpvmmcontrolHP VMM Control
no data
port 1125 no data
hpvmmagentHP VMM Agent
no data
port 1126 no data
hpvmmdataHP VMM Agent
no data
port 1127 no data
kwdb-commnKWDB Remote Communication
supfiledbg SUP debugging
port 1128 no data
saphostctrlSAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTP
no data
port 1129 no data
saphostctrlsSAPHostControl over SOAP/HTTPS
no data
port 1130 no data
caspCAC App Service Protocol
no data
port 1131 no data
caspsslCAC App Service Protocol Encripted
no data
port 1132 no data
kvm-via-ipKVM-via-IP Management Service
no data
port 1133 no data
dfnData Flow Network
no data
port 1134 no data
aplxMicroAPL APLX
no data
port 1135 no data
omnivisionOmniVision Communication Service
no data
port 1136 no data
hhb-gatewayHHB Gateway Control
no data
port 1137 no data
trimTRIM Workgroup Service
no data
port 1138 no data
encrypted_adminencrypted admin requests
encrypted-adminencrypted admin requestsIANA assigned this well-formed service name as a replacement for "encrypted_admin".
no data
port 1139 no data
evmEnterprise Virtual Manager
no data
port 1140 no data
autonocAutoNOC Network Operations Protocol
no data
port 1141 no data
mxomssUser Message Service
no data
port 1142 no data
edtoolsUser Discovery Service
no data
port 1143 no data
imyxInfomatryx Exchange
no data
port 1144 no data
fuscriptFusion Script
no data
port 1145 no data
x9-icueX9 iCue Show Control
no data
port 1146 no data
audit-transferaudit transfer
no data
port 1147 no data
no data
port 1148 no data
elfiq-replElfiq Replication Service
no data
port 1149 no data
bvtsonarBlueView Sonar Service
no data
port 1150 no data
blazeBlaze File Server
no data
port 1151 no data
unizensusUnizensus Login Server
no data
port 1152 no data
winpoplanmessWinpopup LAN Messenger
no data
port 1153 no data
c1222-acseANSI C12.22 Port
no data
port 1154 no data
resacommunityCommunity Service
no data
port 1155 no data
nfaNetwork File Access
no data
port 1156 no data
iascontrol-omsiasControl OMS
no data
port 1157 no data
iascontrolOracle iASControl
no data
port 1158 no data
dbcontrol-omsdbControl OMS
no data
port 1159 no data
oracle-omsOracle OMS
no data
port 1160 no data
olsvDB Lite Mult-User Server
no data
port 1161 no data
health-pollingHealth Polling
no data
port 1162 no data
health-trapHealth Trap
no data
port 1163 no data
sddpSmartDialer Data Protocol
no data
port 1164 no data
qsm-proxyQSM Proxy Service
no data
port 1165 no data
qsm-guiQSM GUI Service
no data
port 1166 no data
qsm-remoteQSM RemoteExec
no data
port 1167
Cisco IP SLA (Service Assurance Agent)
cisco-ipslaCisco IP SLAs Control Protocol
no data
port 1168 no data
vchatVChat Conference Service
no data
port 1169 no data
no data
port 1170 no data
atc-lmAT+C License Manager
no data
port 1171 no data
atc-appserverAT+C FmiApplicationServer
no data
port 1172 no data
dnapDNA Protocol
no data
port 1173 no data
d-cinema-rrpD-Cinema Request-Response
no data
port 1174 no data
fnet-remote-uiFlashNet Remote Admin
no data
port 1175 no data
dossierDossier Server
no data
port 1176 no data
indigo-serverIndigo Home Server
no data
port 1177 no data
dkmessengerDKMessenger Protocol
no data
port 1178 no data
sgi-stormanSGI Storage Manager
skkserv skk jisho server port
port 1179 no data
b2nBackup To Neighbor
no data
port 1180 no data
mc-clientMillicent Client Proxy
no data
port 1181 no data
3comnetman3Com Net Management
no data
port 1182 no data
accelenetAcceleNet Control
no data
port 1183 no data
llsurfup-httpLL Surfup HTTP
no data
port 1184 no data
llsurfup-httpsLL Surfup HTTPS
no data
port 1185 no data
catchpoleCatchpole port
no data
port 1186 no data
mysql-clusterMySQL Cluster Manager
no data
port 1187 no data
aliasAlias Service
no data
port 1188 no data
hp-webadminHP Web Admin
no data
port 1189 no data
unetUnet Connection
no data
port 1190 no data
commlinx-avlCommLinx GPS / AVL System
no data
port 1191 no data
gpfsGeneral Parallel File System
no data
port 1192 no data
caids-sensorcaids sensors channel
no data
port 1193 no data
fiveacrossFive Across Server
no data
port 1194
no data
port 1195 no data
rsf-1RSF-1 clustering
no data
port 1196 no data
netmagicNetwork Magic
no data
port 1197 no data
carrius-rshellCarrius Remote Access
no data
port 1198
The cajo project Free dynamic transparent distributed computing in Java
cajo-discoverycajo reference discovery
no data
port 1199 no data
no data
port 1200 no data
no data
port 1201 no data
nucleus-sandNucleus Sand Database Server
no data
port 1202 no data
no data
port 1203 no data
ssslic-mgrLicense Validation
no data
port 1204 no data
ssslog-mgrLog Request Listener
no data
port 1205 no data
no data
port 1206 no data
anthony-dataAnthony Data
no data
port 1207 no data
no data
port 1208 no data
seagull-aisSEAGULL AIS
no data
port 1209 no data
no data
port 1210 no data
no data
port 1211 no data
groove-dppGroove DPP
no data
port 1212 no data
no data
port 1213 no data
mpc-lifenetMedtronic/Physio-Control LIFENET
no data
port 1214
no data
port 1215 no data
scanstat-1scanSTAT 1.0
no data
port 1216 no data
etebac5ETEBAC 5
no data
port 1217 no data
hpss-ndapiHPSS NonDCE Gateway
no data
port 1218 no data
no data
port 1219 no data
no data
port 1220
QuickTime Streaming Server administration
qt-serveradminQT SERVER ADMIN
no data
port 1221 no data
sweetware-appsSweetWARE Apps
no data
port 1222 no data
nervSNI R&D network
no data
port 1223 no data
tgpTrulyGlobal Protocol
no data
port 1224 no data
no data

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet Protocol Suite. TCP is so central that the entire suite is often referred to as "TCP/IP." Whereas IP handles lower-level transmissions from computer to computer as a message makes its way across the Internet, TCP operates at a higher level, concerned only with the two end systems, for example a Web browser and a Web server. In particular, TCP provides reliable, ordered delivery of a stream of bytes from one program on one computer to another program on another computer. Besides the Web, other common applications of TCP include e-mail and file transfer. Among its management tasks, TCP controls message size, the rate at which messages are exchanged, and network traffic congestion.

In computer networking, the protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, most notably the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), but also other protocols, use a numerical identifier for the data structures of the endpoints for host-to-host communications. Such an endpoint is known as a port and the identifier is the port number. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.