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 TCP/UDP tools and library
About TCP/UDP tools
Find port number
Find port number by word
Check all open ports
IP range port scanner
 Ranges of ports in library
TCP ports list range 0-1024
TCP ports list range 1024-7000
TCP ports list range 7000-20000
TCP ports list range 20000-49151
UDP ports list range 0-1024
UDP ports list range 1024-7000
UDP ports list range 7000-20000
UDP ports list range 20000-49151

ports range 2023-2123,ports list, biggest ports tcp/udp library database

On this page you can find tools for search TCP Port Numbers and UDP Port Numbers.
Current service contain the biggest tcp udp port list. Port search going through 4 library (database),
total number of records are about 22000 (in 3 times more that in other service).
  • IANA port numbers assignments library (database) - The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.
  • WIKI port numbers assignments library (database) - Good known wikipedia ports library
  • Gasmy library, Beta Library - good known manualy created port databases.
In computer networking, the protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, most notably the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP),
use a numerical identifier for the data structures of the endpoints for host-to-host communications.
Such an endpoint is known as a port and the identifier is the port number.
The Registered Ports are listed by the IANA and on most systems can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary users. Thats why most part of new programs that useing "sockets" bind to ports in this range. Ports are used in the TCP [RFC793] to name the ends of logical connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is defined.
The IANA registers uses of these ports as a convenience to the community. About half part of numbers from range are free at this moment. To the extent possible, these same situation with for UDP ports [RFC768]. The Registered Ports are in the range 1024-49151.
It's very easy to search, just input tcp ports range or udp ports range - example2 (or in list format - example1),and 'Go'.

no data
- no data available about port in current library
 library name
 port number
 application name
 port description
Example of search port info [list]example of group ports scan
Example of search port info [range]example of group ports scan
port WIKI IANA Linux
port 2023 no data
no data
port 2024 no data
no data
port 2025 no data
no data
port 2026 no data
no data
port 2027 no data
no data
port 2028 no data
no data
port 2029 no data
hsrpv6Hot Standby Router Protocol IPv6
no data
port 2030 no data
no data
port 2031 no data
no data
port 2032 no data
no data
port 2033
Civilization IV multiplayer
no data
port 2034 no data
no data
port 2035 no data
no data
port 2036 no data
e-dpnetEthernet WS DP network
no data
port 2037 no data
applusAPplus Application Server
no data
port 2038 no data
no data
port 2039 no data
prizmaPrizma Monitoring Service
no data
port 2040 no data
no data
port 2041 no data
no data
port 2042 no data
no data
port 2043 no data
no data
port 2044 no data
no data
port 2045 no data
no data
port 2046 no data
no data
port 2047 no data
no data
port 2048 no data
no data
port 2049
Network File System (NFS)
nfsNetwork File System - Sun Microsystems
nfs Network File System
port 2050 no data
av-emb-configAvaya EMB Config Port
no data
port 2051 no data
no data
port 2052 no data
clearvisnclearVisn Services Port
no data
port 2053 no data
lot105-ds-updLot105 DSuper Updates
no data
port 2054 no data
webloginWeblogin Port
no data
port 2055 no data
iopIliad-Odyssey Protocol
no data
port 2056
Civilization IV multiplayer
omniskyOmniSky Port
no data
port 2057 no data
rich-cpRich Content Protocol
no data
port 2058 no data
newwavesearchNewWaveSearchables RMI
no data
port 2059 no data
bmc-messagingBMC Messaging Service
no data
port 2060 no data
teleniumdaemonTelenium Daemon IF
no data
port 2061 no data
no data
port 2062 no data
icg-swpICG SWP Port
no data
port 2063 no data
icg-bridgeICG Bridge Port
no data
port 2064 no data
icg-iprelayICG IP Relay Port
no data
port 2065 no data
dlsrpnData Link Switch Read Port Number
no data
port 2066 no data
auraAVM USB Remote Architecture
no data
port 2067 no data
dlswpnData Link Switch Write Port Number
no data
port 2068 no data
avauthsrvprtclAvocent AuthSrv Protocol
no data
port 2069 no data
event-portHTTP Event Port
no data
port 2070 no data
ah-esp-encapAH and ESP Encapsulated in UDP packet
no data
port 2071 no data
acp-portAxon Control Protocol
no data
port 2072 no data
msyncGlobeCast mSync
no data
port 2073 no data
gxs-data-portDataReel Database Socket
no data
port 2074 no data
vrtl-vmf-saVertel VMF SA
no data
port 2075 no data
newlixengineNewlix ServerWare Engine
no data
port 2076 no data
newlixconfigNewlix JSPConfig
no data
port 2077 no data
tsrmagtOld Tivoli Storage Manager
no data
port 2078 no data
tpcsrvrIBM Total Productivity Center Server
no data
port 2079 no data
idware-routerIDWARE Router Port
no data
port 2080
Autodesk NLM (FLEXlm)
autodesk-nlmAutodesk NLM (FLEXlm)
no data
port 2081 no data
no data
port 2082 no data
infowaveInfowave Mobility Server
no data
port 2083
Secure RADIUS Service (radsec)
radsecSecure Radius Service
no data
port 2084 no data
sunclustergeoSunCluster Geographic
no data
port 2085 no data
ada-cipADA Control
no data
port 2086
no data
port 2087 no data
eliELI - Event Logging Integration
no data
port 2088 no data
ip-blfIP Busy Lamp Field
no data
port 2089 no data
sepSecurity Encapsulation Protocol - SEP
no data
port 2090 no data
lrpLoad Report Protocol
no data
port 2091 no data
no data
port 2092 no data
descent3Descent 3
no data
port 2093 no data
nbx-ccNBX CC
no data
port 2094 no data
nbx-auNBX AU
no data
port 2095 no data
nbx-serNBX SER
no data
port 2096 no data
nbx-dirNBX DIR
no data
port 2097 no data
jetformpreviewJet Form Preview
no data
port 2098 no data
dialog-portDialog Port
no data
port 2099 no data
h2250-annex-gH.225.0 Annex G Signalling
no data
port 2100 no data
amiganetfsAmiga Network Filesystem
no data
port 2101 no data
no data
port 2102
Zephyr Notification Service server
zephyr-srvZephyr server
zephyr-srv Zephyr server
port 2103
Zephyr Notification Service serv-hm connection
zephyr-cltZephyr serv-hm connection
zephyr-clt Zephyr serv-hm connection
port 2104
Zephyr Notification Service hostmanager
zephyr-hmZephyr hostmanager
zephyr-hm Zephyr hostmanager
port 2105 no data
no data
port 2106 no data
no data
port 2107 no data
bintec-adminBinTec Admin
no data
port 2108 no data
no data
port 2109 no data
no data
port 2110 no data
no data
port 2111 no data
dsatpOPNET Dynamic Sampling Agent Transaction Protocol
no data
port 2112 no data
idonix-metanetIdonix MetaNet
no data
port 2113 no data
hsl-stormHSL StoRM
no data
port 2114 no data
no data
port 2115 no data
kdmKey Distribution Manager
no data
port 2116 no data
no data
port 2117 no data
no data
port 2118 no data
no data
port 2119 no data
no data
port 2120 no data
qencpQuick Eagle Networks CP
no data
port 2121 no data
no data
port 2122 no data
caupc-remoteCauPC Remote Control
no data
port 2123
GTP control messages (GTP-C)
gtp-controlGTP-Control Plane (3GPP)
no data

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one of the core members of the Internet Protocol Suite, the set of network protocols used for the Internet. With UDP, computer applications can send messages, sometimes known as datagrams, to other hosts on an Internet Protocol (IP) network without requiring prior communications to set up special transmission channels or data paths. UDP is sometimes called the Universal Datagram Protocol. The protocol was designed by David P. Reed in 1980 and formally defined in RFC 768.

In computer networking, the protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, most notably the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), but also other protocols, use a numerical identifier for the data structures of the endpoints for host-to-host communications. Such an endpoint is known as a port and the identifier is the port number. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.