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 TCP/UDP tools and library
About TCP/UDP tools
Find port number
Find port number by word
Check all open ports
IP range port scanner
 Ranges of ports in library
TCP ports list range 0-1024
TCP ports list range 1024-7000
TCP ports list range 7000-20000
TCP ports list range 20000-49151
UDP ports list range 0-1024
UDP ports list range 1024-7000
UDP ports list range 7000-20000
UDP ports list range 20000-49151

ports range 3223-3323,ports list, biggest ports tcp/udp library database

On this page you can find tools for search TCP Port Numbers and UDP Port Numbers.
Current service contain the biggest tcp udp port list. Port search going through 4 library (database),
total number of records are about 22000 (in 3 times more that in other service).
  • IANA port numbers assignments library (database) - The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.
  • WIKI port numbers assignments library (database) - Good known wikipedia ports library
  • Gasmy library, Beta Library - good known manualy created port databases.
In computer networking, the protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, most notably the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP),
use a numerical identifier for the data structures of the endpoints for host-to-host communications.
Such an endpoint is known as a port and the identifier is the port number.
The Registered Ports are listed by the IANA and on most systems can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary users. Thats why most part of new programs that useing "sockets" bind to ports in this range. Ports are used in the TCP [RFC793] to name the ends of logical connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is defined.
The IANA registers uses of these ports as a convenience to the community. About half part of numbers from range are free at this moment. To the extent possible, these same situation with for UDP ports [RFC768]. The Registered Ports are in the range 1024-49151.
It's very easy to search, just input tcp ports range or udp ports range - example2 (or in list format - example1),and 'Go'.

no data
- no data available about port in current library
 library name
 port number
 application name
 port description
Example of search port info [list]example of group ports scan
Example of search port info [range]example of group ports scan
port WIKI IANA Linux
port 3223 no data
digivoteDIGIVOTE (R) Vote-Server
no data
port 3224 no data
aes-discoveryAES Discovery Port
no data
port 3225
Fibre Channel over IP (FCIP)
no data
port 3226 no data
isi-irpISI Industry Software IRP
no data
port 3227 no data
dwnmshttpDiamondWave NMS Server
no data
port 3228 no data
dwmsgserverDiamondWave MSG Server
no data
port 3229 no data
global-cd-portGlobal CD Port
no data
port 3230 no data
sftdst-portSoftware Distributor Port
no data
port 3231 no data
vidigoVidiGo communication (previous was: Delta Solutions Direct)
no data
port 3232 no data
mdtpMDT port
no data
port 3233
WhiskerControl research control protocol
whiskerWhiskerControl main port
no data
port 3234 no data
alchemyAlchemy Server
no data
port 3235 no data
mdap-portMDAP Port
no data
port 3236 no data
apparenet-tsappareNet Test Server
no data
port 3237 no data
apparenet-tpsappareNet Test Packet Sequencer
no data
port 3238 no data
apparenet-asappareNet Analysis Server
no data
port 3239 no data
apparenet-uiappareNet User Interface
no data
port 3240 no data
triomotionTrio Motion Control Port
no data
port 3241 no data
sysorbSysOrb Monitoring Server
no data
port 3242 no data
sdp-id-portSession Description ID
no data
port 3243 no data
timelotTimelot Port
no data
port 3244 no data
no data
port 3245 no data
vieo-feVIEO Fabric Executive
no data
port 3246 no data
no data
port 3247 no data
no data
port 3248 no data
procos-lmPROCOS LM
no data
port 3249 no data
sspState Sync Protocol
no data
port 3250 no data
hicpHMS hicp port
no data
port 3251 no data
sysscannerSys Scanner
no data
port 3252 no data
dheDHE port
no data
port 3253 no data
pda-dataPDA Data
no data
port 3254 no data
pda-sysPDA System
no data
port 3255 no data
semaphoreSemaphore Connection Port
no data
port 3256 no data
cpqrpm-agentCompaq RPM Agent Port
no data
port 3257 no data
cpqrpm-serverCompaq RPM Server Port
no data
port 3258 no data
ivecon-portIvecon Server Port
no data
port 3259 no data
epncdp2Epson Network Common Devi
no data
port 3260
iscsi-targetiSCSI port
no data
port 3261 no data
no data
port 3262 no data
no data
port 3263 no data
ecolor-imagerE-Color Enterprise Imager
no data
port 3264 no data
no data
port 3265 no data
altav-tunnelAltav Tunnel
no data
port 3266 no data
ns-cfg-serverNS CFG Server
no data
port 3267 no data
ibm-dial-outIBM Dial Out
no data
port 3268
msft-gc, Microsoft Global Catalog (LDAP service which contains data from Active Directory forests)
msft-gcMicrosoft Global Catalog
no data
port 3269
msft-gc-ssl, Microsoft Global Catalog over SSL (similar to port 3268, LDAP over SSL)
msft-gc-sslMicrosoft Global Catalog with LDAP/SSL
no data
port 3270 no data
no data
port 3271 no data
csoft-prevCSoft Prev Port
no data
port 3272 no data
user-managerFujitsu User Manager
no data
port 3273 no data
sxmpSimple Extensible Multiplexed Protocol
no data
port 3274 no data
ordinox-serverOrdinox Server
no data
port 3275 no data
no data
port 3276 no data
maxim-asicsMaxim ASICs
no data
port 3277 no data
awg-proxyAWG Proxy
no data
port 3278 no data
lkcmserverLKCM Server
no data
port 3279 no data
no data
port 3280 no data
vs-serverVS Server
no data
port 3281 no data
no data
port 3282 no data
no data
port 3283
Apple Remote Desktop 2.0 or later
Net Assistant, a predecessor to Apple Remote Desktop
Apple Remote DesktopNet Assistant
no data
port 3284 no data
no data
port 3285 no data
no data
port 3286 no data
no data
port 3287 no data
no data
port 3288 no data
no data
port 3289 no data
no data
port 3290
Virtual Air Traffic Simulation (VATSIM) network voice communication
no data
port 3291 no data
sah-lmS A Holditch & Associates - LM
no data
port 3292 no data
cart-o-ramaCart O Rama
no data
port 3293 no data
no data
port 3294 no data
no data
port 3295 no data
dyniplookupDynamic IP Lookup
no data
port 3296 no data
rib-slmRib License Manager
no data
port 3297 no data
cytel-lmCytel License Manager
no data
port 3298 no data
no data
port 3299 no data
no data
port 3300 no data
no data
port 3302 no data
mcs-fastmailMCS Fastmail
no data
port 3303 no data
opsession-clntOP Session Client
no data
port 3304 no data
opsession-srvrOP Session Server
no data
port 3305
Odette File Transfer Protocol (OFTP)
no data
port 3306
MySQL database system
no data
port 3307 no data
opsession-prxyOP Session Proxy
no data
port 3308 no data
tns-serverTNS Server
no data
port 3309 no data
tns-advTNS ADV
no data
port 3310 no data
dyna-accessDyna Access
no data
port 3311 no data
mcns-tel-retMCNS Tel Ret
no data
port 3312 no data
appman-serverApplication Management Server
no data
port 3313 no data
uorbUnify Object Broker
no data
port 3314 no data
uohostUnify Object Host
no data
port 3315 no data
no data
port 3316 no data
no data
port 3317 no data
vsaiportVSAI PORT
no data
port 3318 no data
ssripSwith to Swith Routing Information Protocol
no data
port 3319 no data
sdt-lmdSDT License Manager
no data
port 3320 no data
officelink2000Office Link 2000
no data
port 3321 no data
no data
port 3323
no data no data

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one of the core members of the Internet Protocol Suite, the set of network protocols used for the Internet. With UDP, computer applications can send messages, sometimes known as datagrams, to other hosts on an Internet Protocol (IP) network without requiring prior communications to set up special transmission channels or data paths. UDP is sometimes called the Universal Datagram Protocol. The protocol was designed by David P. Reed in 1980 and formally defined in RFC 768.

In computer networking, the protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, most notably the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), but also other protocols, use a numerical identifier for the data structures of the endpoints for host-to-host communications. Such an endpoint is known as a port and the identifier is the port number. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.