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 TCP/UDP tools and library
About TCP/UDP tools
Find port number
Find port number by word
Check all open ports
IP range port scanner
 Ranges of ports in library
TCP ports list range 0-1024
TCP ports list range 1024-7000
TCP ports list range 7000-20000
TCP ports list range 20000-49151
UDP ports list range 0-1024
UDP ports list range 1024-7000
UDP ports list range 7000-20000
UDP ports list range 20000-49151

ports range 6923-7023,ports list, biggest ports tcp/udp library database

On this page you can find tools for search TCP Port Numbers and UDP Port Numbers.
Current service contain the biggest tcp udp port list. Port search going through 4 library (database),
total number of records are about 22000 (in 3 times more that in other service).
  • IANA port numbers assignments library (database) - The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.
  • WIKI port numbers assignments library (database) - Good known wikipedia ports library
  • Gasmy library, Beta Library - good known manualy created port databases.
In computer networking, the protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, most notably the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP),
use a numerical identifier for the data structures of the endpoints for host-to-host communications.
Such an endpoint is known as a port and the identifier is the port number.
The Registered Ports are listed by the IANA and on most systems can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary users. Thats why most part of new programs that useing "sockets" bind to ports in this range. Ports are used in the TCP [RFC793] to name the ends of logical connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is defined.
The IANA registers uses of these ports as a convenience to the community. About half part of numbers from range are free at this moment. To the extent possible, these same situation with for UDP ports [RFC768]. The Registered Ports are in the range 1024-49151.
It's very easy to search, just input tcp ports range or udp ports range - example2 (or in list format - example1),and 'Go'.

no data
- no data available about port in current library
 library name
 port number
 application name
 port description
Example of search port info [list]example of group ports scan
Example of search port info [range]example of group ports scan
port WIKI IANA Linux
port 6923
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
no data no data
port 6924
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6925
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6926
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6927
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6928
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6929
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6930
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6931
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6932
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6933
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6934
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
no data no data
port 6935
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
ethoscanEthoScan Service
no data
port 6936
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
xsmsvcXenSource Management Service
no data
port 6937
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6938
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6939
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6940
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6941
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6942
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6943
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6944
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6945
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6946
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
bioserverBiometrics Server
no data
port 6947
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6948
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6949
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6950
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6951
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
no data
port 6952
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
no data no data
port 6953
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
no data no data
port 6954
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6955
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6956
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6957
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
no data no data
port 6958
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6959
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6960
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6961
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
no data
port 6962
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6963
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6964
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6965
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6966
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6967
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6968
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
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port 6969
no data
port 6970
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data
port 6971
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6972
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6973
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6974
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6975
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6976
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6977
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6978
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6979
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6980
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6981
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6982
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6983
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6984
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6985
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6986
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6987
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6988
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6989
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6990
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6991
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6992
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6993
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6994
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6995
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6996
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 6997
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
MobilitySrvMobility XE Protocol
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port 6998
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data
port 6999
BitTorrent part of full range of ports used most often
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data
port 7000
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-fileserverfile server itself
no data
port 7001
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-callbackcallbacks to cache managers
no data
port 7002
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-prserverusers & groups database
no data
port 7003
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-vlservervolume location database
no data
port 7004
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-kaserverAFS/Kerberos authentication service
no data
port 7005
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-volservolume managment server
no data
port 7006
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-errorserror interpretation service
no data
port 7007
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-bosbasic overseer process
no data
port 7008
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-updateserver-to-server updater
no data
port 7009
QuickTime Streaming Server
afs3-rmtsysremote cache manager service
no data
port 7010
QuickTime Streaming Server
ups-onlinetonlinet uninterruptable power supplies
no data
port 7011
QuickTime Streaming Server
talon-discTalon Discovery Port
no data
port 7012
QuickTime Streaming Server
talon-engineTalon Engine
no data
port 7013
QuickTime Streaming Server
microtalon-disMicrotalon Discovery
no data
port 7014
QuickTime Streaming Server
microtalon-comMicrotalon Communications
no data
port 7015
QuickTime Streaming Server
talon-webserverTalon Webserver
no data
port 7016
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 7017
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data no data
port 7018
QuickTime Streaming Server
no data
port 7019
QuickTime Streaming Server
doceri-viewdoceri drawing service screen view
no data
port 7020
QuickTime Streaming Server
dpserveDP Serve
no data
port 7021
QuickTime Streaming Server
dpserveadminDP Serve Admin
no data
port 7022
QuickTime Streaming Server
ctdpCT Discovery Protocol
no data
port 7023
Bryan Wilcutt T2-NMCS Protocol for SatCom Modems
QuickTime Streaming Server
ct2nmcsComtech T2 NMCS
no data

The User Datagram Protocol (UDP) is one of the core members of the Internet Protocol Suite, the set of network protocols used for the Internet. With UDP, computer applications can send messages, sometimes known as datagrams, to other hosts on an Internet Protocol (IP) network without requiring prior communications to set up special transmission channels or data paths. UDP is sometimes called the Universal Datagram Protocol. The protocol was designed by David P. Reed in 1980 and formally defined in RFC 768.

In computer networking, the protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, most notably the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP), but also other protocols, use a numerical identifier for the data structures of the endpoints for host-to-host communications. Such an endpoint is known as a port and the identifier is the port number. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.