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 TCP/UDP tools and library
About TCP/UDP tools
Find port number
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Check all open ports
IP range port scanner
 Ranges of ports in library
TCP ports list range 0-1024
TCP ports list range 1024-7000
TCP ports list range 7000-20000
TCP ports list range 20000-49151
UDP ports list range 0-1024
UDP ports list range 1024-7000
UDP ports list range 7000-20000
UDP ports list range 20000-49151

port search,find port by number, 21500 udp/tcp port numbers/descriptions,library

On this page you can find tools for search TCP Port Numbers and UDP Port Numbers.
Current service contain the biggest tcp udp port list. Port search going through 4 library (database),
total number of records are about 22000 (in 3 times more that in other service).
  • IANA port numbers assignments library (database) - The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) is responsible for maintaining the official assignments of port numbers for specific uses.
  • WIKI port numbers assignments library (database) - Good known wikipedia ports library
  • Gasmy library, Beta Library - good known manualy created port databases.
In computer networking, the protocols of the Transport Layer of the Internet Protocol Suite, most notably the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and the User Datagram Protocol (UDP),
use a numerical identifier for the data structures of the endpoints for host-to-host communications.
Such an endpoint is known as a port and the identifier is the port number.
The Registered Ports are listed by the IANA and on most systems can be used by ordinary user processes or programs executed by ordinary users. Thats why most part of new programs that useing "sockets" bind to ports in this range. Ports are used in the TCP [RFC793] to name the ends of logical connections which carry long term conversations. For the purpose of providing services to unknown callers, a service contact port is defined.
The IANA registers uses of these ports as a convenience to the community. About half part of numbers from range are free at this moment. To the extent possible, these same situation with for UDP ports [RFC768]. The Registered Ports are in the range 1024-49151.
It's very easy to search, just input tcp ports range or udp ports range - example2 (or in list format - example1),and 'Go'.

no data
- no data available about port in current library
 library name
 port number
 application name
 port description
Example of search port info [list]example of group ports scan
Example of search port info [range]example of group ports scan
port WIKI IANA Linux
3523 no data
odeumservlinkOdeum Serverlink
no data
3524 no data
ecmportECM Server port
no data
3525 no data
eisportEIS Server port
no data
3526 no data
starquiz-portstarQuiz Port
no data
Microsoft Message Queuing
beserver-msg-qVERITAS Backup Exec Server
no data
3528 no data
jboss-iiopJBoss IIOP
no data
3529 no data
jboss-iiop-sslJBoss IIOP/SSL
no data
3530 no data
gfGrid Friendly
no data
3531 no data
no data
3532 no data
raven-rmpRaven Remote Management Control
no data
3533 no data
raven-rdpRaven Remote Management Data
no data
3534 no data
urld-portURL Daemon Port
no data
3535 no data
no data
3536 no data
no data
3537 no data
ni-visa-remoteRemote NI-VISA port
no data
3538 no data
ibm-diradmIBM Directory Server
no data
3539 no data
ibm-diradm-sslIBM Directory Server SSL
no data
3540 no data
pnrp-portPNRP User Port
no data
3541 no data
voispeed-portVoiSpeed Port
no data
3542 no data
hacl-monitorHA cluster monitor
no data
3543 no data
qftest-lookupqftest Lookup Port
no data
Teredo tunneling
teredoTeredo Port
no data
3545 no data
camacCAMAC equipment
no data
3546 no data no data no data
3547 no data
symantec-simSymantec SIM
no data
3548 no data
no data
3549 no data
tellumat-nmsTellumat MDR NMS
no data
3550 no data
ssmppSecure SMPP
no data
3551 no data
apcupsdApcupsd Information Port
no data
3552 no data
taserverTeamAgenda Server Port
no data
3553 no data
rbr-discoveryRed Box Recorder ADP
no data
3554 no data
questnotifyQuest Notification Server
no data
3555 no data no data no data
3556 no data
sky-transportSky Transport Protocol
no data
3557 no data
personalos-001PersonalOS Comm Port
no data
3558 no data
mcp-portMCP user port
no data
3559 no data
cctv-portCCTV control port
no data
3560 no data
iniserve-portINIServe port
no data
3561 no data
no data
SDBProxy Simple DataBase middle-ware and proxy
no data
3563 no data
watcomdebugWatcom Debug
no data
3564 no data
esimportElectromed SIM port
no data
3565 no data
no data
3566 no data
no data
3567 no data
dof-epsDOF Protocol Stack
no data
3568 no data
dof-tunnel-secDOF Secure Tunnel
no data
3569 no data
mbg-ctrlMeinberg Control Service
no data
3570 no data
mccwebsvr-portMCC Web Server Port
no data
3571 no data
megardsvr-portMegaRAID Server Port
no data
3572 no data
megaregsvrportRegistration Server Port
no data
3573 no data
tag-ups-1Advantage Group UPS Suite
no data
3574 no data
dmaf-casterDMAF Caster
no data
3575 no data
ccm-portCoalsere CCM Port
no data
3576 no data
cmc-portCoalsere CMC Port
no data
3577 no data
config-portConfiguration Port
no data
3578 no data
data-portData Port
no data
3579 no data
ttat3lbTarantella Load Balancing
no data
3580 no data
no data
3581 no data
kfxaclicensingAscent Capture Licensing
no data
3582 no data
pressPEG PRESS Server
no data
3583 no data
canex-watchCANEX Watch System
no data
3584 no data
u-dbapU-DBase Access Protocol
no data
3585 no data
emprise-llsEmprise License Server
no data
3586 no data
emprise-lscLicense Server Console
no data
3587 no data
p2pgroupPeer to Peer Grouping
no data
3588 no data
sentinelSentinel Server
no data
3589 no data
no data
3590 no data
wv-csp-smsWV CSP SMS Binding
no data
3591 no data
gtrack-serverLOCANIS G-TRACK Server
no data
3592 no data
gtrack-neLOCANIS G-TRACK NE Port
no data
3593 no data
bpmdBP Model Debugger
no data
3594 no data
no data
3595 no data
no data
3596 no data
iw-mmogameIllusion Wireless MMOG
no data
3597 no data
a14A14 (AN-to-SC/MM)
no data
3598 no data
a15A15 (AN-to-AN)
no data
3599 no data
quasar-serverQuasar Accounting Server
no data
3600 no data
trap-daemontext relay-answer
no data
3601 no data
visinet-guiVisinet Gui
no data
3602 no data
infiniswitchclInfiniSwitch Mgr Client
no data
3603 no data
int-rcv-cntrlIntegrated Rcvr Control
no data
3604 no data
bmc-jmx-portBMC JMX Port
no data
ComCam IO Port
comcam-ioComCam IO Port
no data
Splitlock Server
splitlockSplitlock Server
no data
3607 no data
precise-i3Precise I3
no data
3608 no data
trendchip-dcpTrendchip control protocol
no data
3609 no data
cpdi-pidas-cmCPDI PIDAS Connection Mon
no data
3610 no data
no data
3611 no data
six-degreesSix Degrees Port
no data
3612 no data
hp-dataprotectHP Data Protector
no data
3613 no data
alaris-discAlaris Device Discovery
no data
3614 no data
sigma-portSatchwell Sigma
no data
3615 no data
start-networkStart Messaging Network
no data
3616 no data
cd3o-protocolcd3o Control Protocol
no data
3617 no data
sharp-serverATI SHARP Logic Engine
no data
3618 no data
aairnet-1AAIR-Network 1
no data
3619 no data
aairnet-2AAIR-Network 2
no data
3620 no data
ep-pcpEPSON Projector Control Port
no data
3621 no data
ep-nspEPSON Network Screen Port
no data
3622 no data
ff-lr-portFF LAN Redundancy Port
no data
3623 no data
haipe-discoverHAIPIS Dynamic Discovery
no data